White Wrap Top By H&M Menswear

White Wrap By H&M Menswear//Sneakers By Nike//Jeans By Junkyard//

I never got to show you guys my white wrap, when I was in Dubai. I had so much clothes with me, that I totally forgot to wear this piece. I’m loving wraps lately, it’s simple, looks and feels so comfortable. The weather the last couple of days have been incredible, but of course the day I went out it was cloudy. So I combined the look with a pair of nude sneakers, which can never be a failure and a pair of loose fitted denim jeans.

I shoot these photos in Northampton, a location I have shoot photos before (as you can see here). Don’t ask what I was thinking, my outfits was horrible back then and that hair tho lmao.

Au Revoir, peepz!

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