WORD – The Act Itself Is Racist

I love these three ladies/ supermodels for stepping up and opening their mouth about the act of racism in the fashion world. And also for being the best super models in the world and opening doors for people like me and aspiring new coming models. I have been  aware about this act of  racism in the fashion world for a while, but never really thought or realised it. Until I saw these clips, I noticed a lot of the big designers from fashion weeks only used white models. Which I personally think is so sad and the designers are really missing out a lot. Half of the colours and the new trends as pastel, does look best on dark skinned people. So why not use black models?

This act of racism is not only the brands/designers, but also the models agencies that has 2 black models each. It’s really sad that we have these kind of problems in 2014.

Bethann Hardison, casting director and legendary supermodel of the 1970s, has penned an open letter  addressed to the CFDA and several fashion governing bodies in London, Paris, and Milan, in which she calls out fashion designers who featured only one black model (or none) in their shows last season. 

Hardison writes:

“Eyes are on an industry that season after season watches design houses consistently use one or no models of color. No matter the intention, the result is racism. Not accepting another based on the color of their skin is clearly beyond ‘aesthetic’ when it is consistent with the designer’s brand. Whether it’s the decision of the designer, stylist or casting director, that decision to use basically all white models, reveals a trait that is unbecoming to modern society. It can no longer be accepted, nor confused by the use of the Asian model.”

Hardison follows her letter with a list of high-profile designers who she considers “guilty of this racist act.” Lets hope this act of racism will get better with time and if you are a blogger/social media addict. Make aware of this issue. Share, write and spread the words. 


Au Revoir, peepz!

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