What Used To Be My Biggest Secret – Sorry Topshop!

I wasn’t planing to write this post, but after telling this story in a comment to win a Dyberg Kern necklace. I thought I might as well just tell you  guys, what used to be my biggest secret lol. My biggest secret was when I was in London. My cousin and I were going to Oxford street taking the subway and I could feel that I had to pee a lot. But as you know yourself  the feeling disappears after a while, which it did. But as I stood in a locker room with 4 different things and a tight bathing suit on. I could feel that I really had to pee NOW. I tried to hold it back, which was really difficult. So I took my clothes off and threw every thing into a corner and peed finally inside a changing room over in the corner. So Embarrassing! And I hurried as quickly as possible out of the changing room after I had gotten dressed and hurried down to the bottom floor to buy my jumpsuit, so they wouldn’t be able to find me in the shop and then quickly almost ran out of the store. Haha… I will never forget that insanely embarrassing feeling!


Au Revoir, peepz!

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