Throwback To A Hot Summer On A Cold Winter Day


Jacket And Jeans  By Zara//Top By Nelly//Bag By Ivyrevel//Loafers By New Look

Hi guys, the site is up and running again. Just wanted to inform you  on that, even though there still need to be some changes and at the same time have a throwback moment to a hot summer day in June. The weather here in Denmark is starting to get really cold, something tells me that we are not  going to have a warm winter anyway. I definitely enjoyed being able to shoot photos last couple of the weeks without freezing to much.

Just got finish eating dinner, my mom and I had takeaway. I had this delicious sandwich with pesto, salad and meat. Forgot to take photo of it, went down really quick before I even had a thought about it lmao.  Have a great evening and don’t forget it’s black Friday which means lots of good sales.


Au Revoir, peepz!

Throwback To A Hot Summer On A Cold Winter Day

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