This Is Why You Need To Focus On Self-worth In 2019!

Knit By Primark (Berlin)

Self-worth! 2019 it’s time to level up. This post is for you guys guys to be inspired, but also for myself, to remind myself about my self-worth. In my previous posts I mentioned that I have learned a lot about myself, physically, mentally, work wise and my personal life (dating guys).If there is one thing I have learned in 2018, is that I really need to know my self-worth. It covers different aspects of my life. When it comes to my platform (blog & instagram), love life and work. I’m 24 years old and have made my mistakes (if you have read my blog for a long time, you know what I’m writing about), which I don’t regret at all. At some point I have been felt confused and never felt like I have never belonged. Hit rock bottom.

I have learned from my mistakes and gotten wiser with time. One of the things that I have learned is not to say yes to the first offer that comes my way. Just because someone (brand or a guy) offers their help doesn’t mean that’s the best offer you can get. Always have your goals in mind and remind yourself if it’s worth the wait or the hustle. I have promised myself that 2019, it’s all about making wiser decisions. I’m going be myself all the way through, but I’m not going to settle for the first offer that comes my way, that I have been used too. Once you start leveling up and starting value yourself for what you worth, people will start to respect you. Even though I have known this for ages, I have always compromise for less for what I’m worth. This comes from a blogger/influencer with 7 years experience. Don’t sell yourself cheap, because brand knows how to manipulate you to know how to feel like you should, appreciate the opportunity they give you. And that same example also goes for everyday life, dating, work and friends. Know your value and what you bring to the table.

Don’t even get affected by other people opinions, because when incomes to it. They are the same ones that are insecure and talk bad about the people that they don’t know. People will only do what they allow them to do. This took me a while to know. Just know that everyone is not going to like you for who you are, as long you know yourself and your value. You are going to do well with good intentions.

Au Revoir, peepz!

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