Rihanna Diamonds World Tour!

OOh GOSH! Rihanna looks stunning in Givenchy couture costume looks designed made by Ricardo Tisci who made her look smoking, sexy and flawless.  I love how they  made her look fresh out of the runway! The ombre hair combined with high waisted shorts, high kneed stilettos and a coat with a big oversize hood. The prints on the jacket is so chic and cool, it actually reminds me a little bit of Versace in a way? While looking through the pictures from her concert, I noticed that she didn’t even have one slutty outfit, Am I the only one who is surprised that she didn’t? Maybe she is over that phase or maybe just trying other fashionable looks? anyways her looks was really beautiful and fashionable as always and she definitely pulled of that look.


Au Revoir, peepz!

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