Ride Or Die 🌹 Do Or Die La Rosa

Jacket And T-Shirt By LA Rosa Clothing//Jeans By Levis (model 501)// Sneakers By Arkk//Bag By Zara//Sunglasses By Asos//

Another look, from the day I was out shooting, with my friend/colleague Rasmus Steen (his site & Instagram). It’s so much fun to collaborate with a photographer, when shooting outfit photos. It’s nice to be challenged and getting some different kind of photos, especially working with a friend that’s as talented as he is. Especially considering 80% of my outfit photos, are ones I have taken myself (the struggle of being a blogger).

We found this colourful location in the heart of Copenhagen. A small cute street, that is the perfect place to shoot outfit photos. This street really highlights, one of Copenhagen’s many beautiful streets.

Here is one of my favourite looks of this year, black and white can never go wrong. On the top I’m wearing black coach La Rosa jacket, a Danish brand I have seen a lot on social medias the last couple of years. They have some pretty sick clothes, especially because of their flower logos on each piece. This look is so current for this time of the year in Denmark. The weather changes from each day and you can never be sure if it’s going to be a sunny or rainy day. So I choose this white look, which is always an easy but yet fun look to pull of now and then.

 Au Revoir, peepz!

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