Q&A, Are You Gay, What Is The Craziest In Your Wardrobe And Many Other Question.

The video I made didn’t turn  out as I wanted, so I will just make a post for you guys instead.

1. Are you gay?

I get this question so much, here on my blog, Instagram, on the streets and other social medias. And yes, I’m gay. I really don’t understand why people keeps on asking this question, it’s not like it’s not obvious. Not that gays look a certain way, but I’m a black guy that perms his hair, most black guys that does that are usually gay. So yes I’m gay and for the people out there, maybe you should rethink your question before you ask people, unless you have a purpose with the question. Just saying….

2. Your skin is flawless! would love to know your skin care routine

Thank you very much. I do not really have a skin care routine, but I do make sure that I wash my face when I wake up in the morning and before I go to bed. Especially the days where I’m wearing make up. I also use Vaseline and I personally think it makes my skin softer. I also make sure to use a face scrub when I remember it.

3. What is the craziest in your wardrobe?

Hah! I have a lot of crazy things in my wardrobe, but it’s definitely this blue digital printed t shirt, you can find a post with it here. It’s quite shiny. I haven’t figured out yet how to style it, so that’s probably why you guys haven’t seen it since.

4. In your opinion which country has the best fashion sense you prefer and the best worst fashion sense.

This is a really easy question. NYC and London has the best fashion sense. People in London always looks pulled together, even though I think many of them dress to casual. But they definitely have some great styles. People in NYC, has the most daring outfits and that’s probably why I love the city so much.

The worst must be Denmark. People in Denmark are really boring when it comes to their fashion sense, they all look the same. There is never really anything there is going on. Nothing interesting.

5. What product are on your wish list

This question is quite hard, because my wish list always changes with time. But a Hermes bag is definitely the first, a pair of highness red bottoms by Christian Louboutin and Kanye Wests red sneakers.

6. What advice do you have for a new fashion/beauty blogger?

I wish I knew this myself when I started blogging, but the quality of the photos is so important. Especially if you are a outfit blogger, it’s so important.  The layout of your site is also really important, if there is to much going on you can easily lose readers. Remeber to update, so there isn’t a big time gap between every post.

7.What is your favourite beauty product item under 5£?

That is for sure my Kiko automatic precision lip liner in a 506. My lips tens to dry up a lot and get dark, so I use it on my bottom lip before I moisturize my lips to make them look fresh again.

8. Your photos are always so great and good quality, who takes your photos?

Hahaha, I have gotten this question so much, especially friends. I take my own photos with the help of a great dlsr camera, remote and a stand. Then everything is possible lol.

9. What’s your greatest inspiration when it comes to personal style.

Everyone! From street style photos to a normal person walking on the streets. I don’t really have any limits when it comes to my style, so I get inspired by everything that I think looks cool and beautiful.

10. What blogs do you read?

I don’t know if you guys know Kenza, but I definitely read her blog everyday (literally everyday, if not once an hour lol). She is such a big inspiration for me because she is a model, has her own clothing line Ivyrevel and is on top of that Swedens biggest blogger. She has accomplished so much with her blog and is also one of the reasons why I started my blog. Bryan boy is also one of my favourite blogs. He  also gave me the kick that I needed to start my own blog, because he is just out there and just doing him. So those two are definitely my favourite that I read.

11. what would your dream come true?

That’s easy. Getting signed to a model agency, being able to live of blogging (love doing this) and also one day start my own clothing line.

12. What’s your goal with blogging?

My goal is definitely to be a inspiration for people, to just do them and not care what people say. I get a lot of eyes and comments when I walk down streets, but that never effects me because I know who I am and I’m comfortable in my own skin. The most important thing in life.

Hope you guys liked reading this q&a post, if you have any other questions you want me to answer comment below or just write a question when you think of one.

  Au Revoir, peepz!

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