New Beginning And Rebranding

IMG_0382kkooniima boa i adore beauty fashion blogger beauty blogger bloggar bloguer danmarks største mode blogger danmar

Some of you guys have probably noticed that the blog is not called anymore and is now It has been a change that I have been thinking about, for a really long time and finally did it. The blog will still be the same as before, daily outfit photos, fashion reviews and all of that. But I will try to make more posts of my everyday life and what I do, because I have noticed that you guys like those posts. Sounds a little bit egocentric lol, I know. But my blog has changed so much since the day I started. and when I started doing this, I  didn’t really know what kind of blogging that fitted me the best and still try new things to try better and challenge myself.

It might sound silly, but having the name, felt at times a little bit hard to live up to. And I personally didn’t really feel like the content lived up to the word, beauty. So now it’s in a way a new beginning and rebranding the blog. Hope this was the right decision and you still want to read the blog. Talk to you later.

Au Revoir, peepz!

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