Military Green And Camouflage Print

rrIMG_1603niima boa fashion blogger fashion bloggerbeauty interior denmark biggest blogger mens women website ootd outfit

Green Jacket By Zara//Camou Jacket By Stylepit//Trousers By Armani//Loafers By New Look//Beanie Here//

Sorry for my absence the last couple of days guys. I have been busy the last two days going to job interviews in the inner city Copenhagen. So when I came home. It was to dark to shoot any photos and I was so tired of traveling back and forth. Besides that I’m not really used to having to be up a certain time. So sleep is not really anything that I have had so much of, the last two nights now when it’s a routine to go to bed at 2 o’clock. But today I was home just the right time, when it didn’t rain and there was open sky when I shot these photos. The last couple of days to these interviews I have worn my hair slicked back. As I think it’s a better fit.

rrIMG_1604niima boa fashion blogger fashion bloggerbeauty interior denmark biggest blogger mens women website ootd outfit rrIMG_1605niima boa fashion blogger fashion bloggerbeauty interior denmark biggest blogger mens women website ootd outfitAu Revoir, peepz!
Military Green And Camouflage Print

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