Liebster Blog Awards

Here following the 6 rules of Liebster Award:

    • Thank the Liebster Blog assigned you the award
    • Write 11 random facts about you
  • Answer 11 questions from the person who nominated you
  •  Pass the award onto 11 other blogs
  • Ask them 11 new questions
  •  Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment at their blog.

11 questions for these bloggers.

I really appreciate your nomination reddysetbeauty – Thank you very much!!!

11 random facts about me:

  1. I love Chris Brown
  2. I love to use my XXl tracking suit when I am at home.
  3. I love shoes so much, but I always end up buying tons of other things.
  4. I love to watch the Vampire Diaries or rather said I like to see my TV crush Paul Wesley playing a Vampire. Paul-Wesley-Covers-Glow-Magazine-December-2012-paul-wesley-33050473-1072-1222
  5. I love to play loud music and imagine my living room as a runway in New York fashion week imitating models as Tyra Banks, Naomi Campbell and Jessica White!
  6. I’m in my second year of upper secondary school and hate every minute of it.
  7. I love watching drama filled reality shows as The Real Housewives Of Atlanta.
  8. I’m at times a really fucked up person, some nights I will stay up all night and then waste my day in bed.
  9. I hate when people come with their Fucking opinion without being asked!
  10. I love dancing but suck when it comes to choreography.
  11. I can’t think of anything else interesting about me – I’m actually very boring.

11 Questions From The Person That Nominated Me

Who is your fashion icon?

My fashion icon has to be Kim Kardashian. She always looks perfect and her clothes are always on point.

If you could style for any celebrity who would it be?

I would love to style celebrities as Kim Kardashian, Tyra Banks, Adriana Lima, Lady Gaga and Rihanna

Describe your personal style in one word.


What is your favorite blog post on your blog?

My Favourite blog post is Timeless Piece!

What is your favorite fashion blog?

My favourite fashion blog is Bryanboy. His fashion taste and outfits is out of this world.

What is your favorite accessory?


What is your biggest dream?

Becoming a original fashion model, stylist, interior ‘decorator
and designer all in one!

How do you plan on getting there?

I dont know, maybe through this blog!

Harem pants. Yes or No?

Yes, If you style them correct!

Where is your favorite place to shop?


Why a fashion blog?

To share my fabulous taste in fashion and also to learn more about it and sharing it with other peoples.

11 other great fashion bloggers:


11 Questions For These Bloggers

  1. Who is your fashion icon?
  2. What made you start your fashion blog?
  3. Who is your favourite fashion blogger?
  4. Do you make any of your own clothes, Yes or No?
  5. Where is your favourite place to shop
  6. Who is your favourite fashion designer and why?
  7. How often do you buy clothes?
  8. What do you think is going to be the biggest Spring/Summer Trend?
  9. What do you plan on doing in the future?
  10. What is your favourite fashion blog?
  11. Which designer would you love to work for?

 Let me know when you’ve posted!

Au Revoir, peepz!

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