
Welcome to my corner of the internet. I thought it would be a great idea to start off by introducing myself. For a minute, I tried to have a journal on Substack, but it just didn’t feel right. Besides that, the platform often distracted me with interesting notes from other writers. I still have the app, as there are some writers I like to stay up to date with.

Writing on my own platform is nothing new. Back in 2014, I started my own blog (with this exact URL) where I shared everything related to fashion, whether it was my own style or a look I thought was beautiful. This plays a role in why I chose to leave Substack and create my own journal.

After 4-5 years of running that blog, I decided to let it go in 2019. Sometimes I regret that decision, but I’m also relieved that I can start fresh with a different perspective and more knowledge, though still with the same domain.

I can’t promise much about what I am going to post, but fashion will probably be a recurring theme, along with skincare and interior design. I will also use this platform to share my thoughts and feelings as I experience life. Writing or voicing my feelings has always been hard for me because I don’t want to feel like I’m burdening someone else or being pitied. I will probably share more of those thoughts in another post.

I was born and raised in Denmark, earned a bachelor’s degree in photography communication, and have been traveling around for the last eight months. I visited Spain, stayed with family in the U.K., and have been in Melbourne, Australia, for the last three months. A well-needed adventure that I hope continues.

Welcome to my corner of the internet!

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