My Favourite – Daily Organic Body Creme

Now it’s finally time that I write this post for you guys that have been asking and giving compliments of my skin. Daily organic body creme is the shit besides Vaseline that I have used since I was born. I don’t know about you guys, but after a whole day of wearing make up I feel really bad for my skin. So I always make sure to wash by face before going to bed and try to use make up as little as possible when I’m home. I use this creme mainly for my face even though it’s a body creme. It’s really good because the creme is really moist, softening and is made without parabens. The product is organic certified and has three approved brands from organic cosmetics, asthma allergic Denmark and the last one I cant read but it’s probably something good lol. But this creme is really good and can be purchased in Denmarks supermarket Netto only, I think.. But my advice for you guys that doesn’t live in Denmark is to buy a creme that’s light, mois, without colours, with aloe vera and has some stamps from brands that has approved that it’s healthy/organic. Then you give your face/body a change to breath. Even though I love my two cremes, I’m still searching for a even better creme. So please write in the comment if you have any suggestions.



Au Revoir, peepz!

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