

I have had my earring phases so many times and started again. The other day, I had it, with my clothes and accessory department, so I felt like getting some new stuff. So I bought these earrings with the clear and black stones. A whit beanie, a python printed cap (I have a thing for caps lately as well lol), some black shades, a white t shirt and a red bandana is on it’s way. I haven’t tried the bandana fashion yet, but starting to like it very much especially t shirts (like these). But for now I will start with the scarf.

Which reminds me of yesterday when I went to Copenhagen to try a jumpsuit I saw on H&M’s website. I found what in my eyes looks amazing, a jumpsuit in this khaki green fabric and just the right length for me. But I had to try it before I either ordered or bought, asap after trying it. But when I came to the store in H&M I couldn’t find it anywhere, so I went to the changing room to see if there should hang one, which there did only in a size 36 (fml, I thought). Then I went to the disk to hear if they should have more left of this (amazing) jumpsuit. Which they had at the front part of the store, so I went there like my life was depending on it. To see that they only had one left in a size 46(fml times 2). But then I went with my plan b. The plan B was that I should try any size they had left in the store. So I had some kind of a feel which size I should order when I came back home. Which ended up with a size 36, that just fitted me. But I didn’t want that tight look. So a size 38 or 40 would have been a perfect fit. I then go home to order this jumpsuit thinking, that they must have it in m size. What do you think I saw? That they only had them in the sizes that I didn’t want. But now thinking back at it, I should probably have been quicker, the price is so cheap and it’s that kind of a jumpsuit that I could see a lot of people wearing. So next time when I see something that I really want from H&M, I’m not gonna hesitate. Lesson Learned! If you are curious, of which jumpsuit I’m talking about. Then click here.

Au Revoir, peepz!

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