Cheers To Me For Doing Whatever I Wanted To Do #happynewyear2019

Merry Christmas and happy New Years you all! Hope you had a lovely Christmas evening with your loves ones. I had a joyful evening with family and lots of food ofc. Can’t believe that we are already stepping in to another new year, 2019. 2018 went by so fast, it’s been a good and a bad year in so many ways.

I have learned so much about myself this year, trying to push myself harder. Sat goals. Saying yes to a lot of things, that I usually wouldn’t have been open to. Gained a lot knowledge about myself and others. Reflecting and healing from the past mistakes I have made. Understanding the meaning of self worth and why it’s important to also follow my instincts. I’m a firm believer that things happen in life for a reason and my time will come in the right moment. I’m stepping in to the new year with a total different feeling than I have usually have had. My mind is on the right path and now it’s just all about staying focus and grind as hard as possible.

For the new year I want to focus on myself, my wellbeing and my loved ones. Spend more time with friends and family. The last half year I have been quite busy, working a lot. Having a lot of balls in the air.

I don’t know how many of you guys know this about me, but I have been smoking cigarets the last three years and I have tried so many times to let go off that. So I will for sure try to do that (again, again, again & again lol), this year coming. I feel so much better mentally and physically when I don’t smoke. It’s really a devils work, that I have had problems getting rid of. I have always been an active person and the last year and I have been so insecure about my body. Because the time and mind haven’t been right. I have sat a goal from the 2th of January I will start working out 3-4 times a week. A mix between weights and cardio.

In other words, 2019. I’m so ready to enter this new “chapter” in my life. What are your guys for new year eve? I have just spontaneously ordered flight tickets to Berlin, to celebrate New Years eve with some friends last minute. So I can’t wait for a little getaway to German. I have never been, so I will be fun to explorer the city for some days.

Now to the fashion part. Here are my fave looks from this year – which one is your favourite?

Happy New Year

Au Revoir, peepz!

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