Ask Me Everything You Want!

I think it’s about time that I make my first  question and answer video. I have already  been collecting all the questions from previous posts and comments on social medias. But I just want to give you guys the chance to ask me everything, before I make the video. So just fire away with questions…

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Photo Shoot Part 1- Beauty Shoots

Here are some of the photos from my photo shoot a couple of days ago. I’m quite satisfied with the results, the pictures came out so cleand and makes me look really pure. Photography By Au Revoir, peepz!

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Kimowi, The Dead Sea In A Tube!

I have found the perfect series  of skin products that cures everything from dandruff problems to patches  which helps against eczema. The creme with salt stood out in my eyes, it has the same high concentration of salt as the Dead Sea.The high concentration of salt does that the creme has a cleansing and disinfecting…

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The Other Woman

It’s Friday, wuhuu! I’m so tired after staying up half of the night making some math homework to then to find out that it is meant to be delivered on next Friday haha. Two weeks in a row, FML literally! But it’s all fine, especially now when I am laying in bed under my warm…

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Next Destination?

The last couple of years I have constantly been traveling to London to visit my family, but now when I’m soon finish with school. I would really want to go out and experience the world. Go for a real holiday, where you rent a nice hotel room and goes out to eat at a nice…

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Departing Right Now

Probably by now I’m sitting in the plain, listening to loud music and in my own world. Have a great Monday, I will try to update when I get home to my sister in Northampton! Au Revoir, peepz!

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