Mobile Update

Hi guys! This Day has been so long, but such a great Day. The weather was amazing and on top of that we have luxury bedroom on the boat. A dobble size bed and a Window to see the ocean. It cant get Any better. And I did make sure to take some photos to…

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On My Way!

Hopefully if everything went as it should, I’m sitting in a train on my way to Malmö. It’s going to be a really relaxing 10 days. No laptop, mobile or not at all any kind of contact with anything. But I haven’t forgotten you guys. I have made sure that there will be scheduled post…

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Tickets Ordered

I just ordered tickets to London. I’m going to see my little nephew, sister, aunt and cousin. Can’t wait for this trip and this time there will be more time, so it will be more relaxing. But first I have to pack for my trip to my grandmas summerhouse in Finland. I’m going on Thursday…

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New Changes

Sorry that I haven’t been updating you guys more than once today. But my site had to updated the other day and then decided to throw all my customized settings away. So I had to either find a new theme or try to remake the old settings. And I choose to do a new theme…

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I really feel hangover today, after my carriage ride yesterday. But it is definitely worth it, it was so funny. Loud music, a LOT of food and alcohol to make everything a little bit funner. Talk to you later… Au Revoir, peepz!

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Snapshots From Graduation Day

I felt so boomed this morning when I woke up, which is so weird. I only had to 2 glasses of champagne and went home half past 11. I guess that I’m starting to get old lol. Yesterday after all students got their photos taken, we had to wait to get our class pictures taken.…

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Finally A Student!

Wuuhuu! I’m finally a student. I literally can’t believe it still, it feels unreal. It will probably hit me next week or in August when people are going to school/college.  I will try to shoot some outfit photos later for you, if I have time. Talk to you later, I will make a scheduled post.…

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5 Steps To Sun-Kissed Summer Beauty

5 easy steps for a perfect summer look! For summer I personally think the key to get a perfect summer look is to hold back with the powder. So you skin looks more natural. A red lipstick never killed nobody and a flawless concealer always makes you look fresh/more present. More Clarins… Au Revoir, peepz!

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Gosh Prime And Set Powder – Transparent

I found out recently that transparent powder is the bomb! It really is. It makes your make up look flawless, gives it a soft look and on top of that it sets the concealer, so it doesn’t go anywhere. I can’t wait to try this gosh powder and see if it does wonder like the…

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