M.A.C Prime Fix And Prep Spray

You Can Find The Product HERE Looking in the M.A.C stores in the airports, is the one thing I always make time for in the airport. My one reason why I always make my flight lol. But the prices in the airports are so cheap compared to the stores. So this prep + prime fix…

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What I Have Been Up To Lately

Let me just start out with saying sorry for the really bad updates on the blog! I know I have sucked big time at that department the last couple of days. But I have just been really occupied with a new project that I will tell about, when I’m ready. But it has taken a…

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Chanel Iphone Case

You Can Find The Cover Here (coupon code niima for 10% of all products) A nice shop called 5th And Weston hooked me up with a new Iphone cover for my (crushed screen) Iphone. Made it look so much better now and much more comfortable to hold. I also got one of their draped jackets,…

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@niimascom Instagram Lately

Follow Me On @niimascom  Just got finish eating sushi for dinner, which was so needed and so delicious. The weather really sucked today rained and really windy. So I’m crossing fingers that it will get better tomorrow! It has to. Here you have the latest instagram photos I have posted, besides my outfit photos I…

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Stormy Weekend Turned Into A Proactive Weekend

Sorry for my abstinence guys, I know I haven’t been blogging for some days now. But the weather has been horrible. It has been storming the last couple of days, so I haven’t been able to shoot any outfit photos. In the  meanwhile I have had cleaned my room. Like proper cleaned it. Vacuumed, washed…

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New Year And New Hair

New year and new hair! After a long time of thinking, I finally cut my hair of. My hair was starting to get in a really bad shape, all dried up and also because I had bleached my hair. My tips started to break a lot. So I had to do the big chop and…

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The Jump In To The New Year

Here are some photos from New Years eve. The day started out with a welcome drink and watching the queen of Denmark having her speech (a tradition in Denmark). After that we prepared the three dishes. Some of us (including me) had  spring rolls as the first course, then sushi as the main course and…

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Rich Dad Poor Dad By Robert Kiyosaki

I found these two photos that I haven’t shown you guys from my trip to my grandmothers summerhouse in Finland. Really miss the relaxing days, where the days went on reading my book. Which I could really recommend for the person that doesn’t really have a big knowledge on economy and money. It’s such a…

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