This Is Why You Need To Focus On Self-worth In 2019!

Self-worth! 2019 it’s time to level up. This post is for you guys guys to be inspired, but also for myself, to remind myself about my self-worth. In my previous posts I mentioned that I have learned a lot about myself, physically, mentally, work wise and my personal life (dating guys).If there is one thing…

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Berlin Street Style

The first street style post of 2019. From last week when I was in Berlin. I didn’t bring that much clothes with me on this trips, so my main essentials for this trip was my Hmoschino boots and H&M man coat. Perfect fit for the weather, even though I could have used a scarf some…

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Berlin New Years Eve 2019

Hi guys, happy New Year! Came home late last night and have had the best time in a really long time. I went to Berlin on New Years eve, just in time for the new year with two of my friends. I had 4 days there, exploring the city. Saw the Berlin mall, which was…

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He Dressed Himself In Confidence Everyday

Burgundy is one of my favourite colours to wear, when it’s winter. It’s so appropriate and adds the perfect warm colour to the cold winter days. This suit has a beautiful fit and the blazer is lined with a beautiful print. I added a red fur, to elevate the look.  Suit By H&M Man (Pants…

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