Black & White With A Hint Of Blue

As usual I was running late for my friends birthday, so I didn’t have time to update before I went. But here is what I wore. My new sweater from New Yorker that I choose to combine with these blue trousers. A casual, cool look with some gold jewelries, of course! I personally didn’t like the belt to this outfit, but these trousers are to big now. So I didn’t really have any options, which reminds me off to buy a new belt with a gold buckle.  Hop you guys had a great Saturday, I certainly had. We played such a fun game, where we were divided up in two groups and had to guess which celebrity we illustrated. Such a fun night! I’m off to the gym now and thereafter do some homework and stuff. Have a nice Sunday peepz. IMG_4995niimaboaiadorebeautyblognewyorkergg



//Jacket By Zara//High Neck Sweater By New Yorker//Trousers By By Malene Birger// Finger Knuckles By H&M//

Au Revoir, peepz!

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