Back To Work + Outfit Of The Day

Today I wore this new Zara “dress/sweater” combined with these holed denim jeans, which I thought looked really good combined together. But apparently Ingebjörg (the person that has the studio, I sew at) thought that they needed to be lapped, because they “didn’t represent” me as a designer (the most funniest I have heard all day). I personally do not think that it is one’s outer shell that represent your clothing style (every time) when it comes to your designs (collections). Especially if you are a guy designing women clothes. I do see what she means, but I personally do not think that these jeans are that baad, right? they just show that I´m stylish, right?(lol). It was so funny the way she said it (while she gave me a look from head to toe).

I delivered this six feet light brown/nude color fabric from a company, that I’m gonna make a jacket of (below), some trousers and a big cover. Which I think would look really good. What do you guys think?

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Au Revoir, peepz!

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