The Aesop Oil Free Facial hydrating Serum That Helped My Beauty Regimen


If you have been following my blog for some while, you would probably know by now that one of my biggest issues I have. Is my oily face. I have tried many methods to prevent the amount of oil, my face produces. Until one of my friends gave me / recommended this serum HERE  by Aesop. Which had an instant effect. It really helps to go in, control the oil production and has left my face less oily (now it looks like a nice glow lol). This brand is affordable but more expensive than the usual drugstore products. It’s defenitely worth having a look and this is not a sponsored post. So everything written is from the bottom of my heart.

You Can Find The Serum I’m referring to HERE

Below you can find some of their other amazing products: 


Au Revoir, peepz!

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