I Burned All Of My Hair Off And Why #selflove Is Important

Photo By Solenne Hyllemose & Edit By Moi

When you feel like hair starts to identify who you are as a person, cut it all of #selflove

Where do I even start?.

Being bald was never a part of the plan. As you guys know, I have been blonde for over a half a year and my hair was so damaged from all the bleaching. So I decided to color my hair black when I was in Istanbul. Give my hair a break from all the bleaching and start a new journey to get my healthy hair back. It was only a matter of time, that I realised that my hair would never be completely back to the healthy stage it once was. So I decided to cut my hair shorter, so I could get rid of  must of the damaged hair. The reason why, I at that time didn’t cut it all of, was because I was afraid of being bald. In the back of my mine, I thought that my hair identified me as a person and made me beautiful. Which is so foolish of me to think, that I’m not good enough without my hair. So after my half chop, I used a texturizer. Which is a perm that loosens up the curls, so it’s easier to style your hair in different ways but stills keep the curls. I was so caught up, having a fade cut and hair that would lay perfect. That I didn’t even take into consideration, that my hair had been bleached and coloured black within 2 weeks. A rushed desperate decision, burned half of my hair off. My hair was to damaged and weak to follow through the process without breaking. So I had to take my shaver and shave the remaining hair on my head off. For a moment I felt really insecure about myself. It took me a minute to love my self without my hair. At the end of the day it will grow back. Stronger and healthier. It’s only hair, it doesn’t identify who you are as a person and your values. Loving yourself,  loving the skin you are in, is so much more important. Accepting the way you are created and finding peace in that. Realising that made me so much stronger. Even though I have always known that, it’s so easier to forget when you are not in it. This is a time where I will embrace my natural beauty and confidence within myself.

Au Revoir, peepz!


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4 replys to I Burned All Of My Hair Off And Why #selflove Is Important

  1. You are sum it p how I feel about my hair I feel like I am not good enough without. I was diagnoise with alopecia and I am holding on to every little follicle I can. I am sturggling with just shaving it bald and see what happens But I can’t seems to bring myself to do it. It’s very encouraging seeing people like you sharing sorry that will one day allow me to just do it LOL 🙂

    1. You are sum up how I feel about my hair I feel like I am not good enough without my hair. I was diagnoise with alopecia and I am holding on to every little follicle I can. I am sturggling with just shaving it bald and see what happens But I can’t seems to bring myself to do it. It’s very encouraging seeing people like you sharing story that will one day allow me to just do it LOL:)

    2. I’m sorry to hear that. Sometimes you just need to do it, I experienced a lot more confidence now within myself knowing that hair isn’t what makes me feel beautiful. But my confidence and the way I carry myself

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