One Stop Destination And Why I’m Moving From Denmark

One stop destination to the UK. Yes guys, I moved to London today! I have known this for some months now and choose to keep a low profile about my decision. It’s been a very easy decision for me to make. Some of my old readers might know, I moved to London some years back for a month and decided to move back to Denmark. Honestly, I wasn’t ready to move to the UK back then. I came directly from my parents house and now looking back it was too big of a step. But now I have been living by myself with my best friend in Copenhagen for a year and I can just feel the difference since the last time I moved. It has given me more tough skin. I feel so ready for this new chapter in my life.

Many different factors support the reason that I chose to move to the UK. One of them is that I personally feel like Denmark is to small for me, especially because I want to focus more on fashion and my blog. Denmark is just to simple for me. If you want to “make it” in Denmark it’s not really based on your work but just your contacts in the industry. I personally think UK have much more to offer, there is so more diversity and different ethnicities.

I’m so excited for this new chapter in my life and I will do my best to capture it all and update you guys here on the blog.

Btw, do you guys love the new design on my blog? I have spend days getting this together. I want to add some more fashion posts to my blog and felt like a new blog design was required for my visions. I won’t promise to much, but hopefully there will be more regular posts.

 Au Revoir, peepz!

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