Leather Backpack

IMG_3893niima boa fashion blogger fashion bloggerbeauty interior denmark blogger mens women website ootd outfit look of the day makYou Can Find The Backpack Here

Finally found the perfect leather backpack that I have been craving since last summer in London. I looked after it in a lot of shops in West field when I was in London. Didn’t have success finding what I wanted, so I bought the striped back pack (here). Which I’m loving, just more for summer and beach looks. I’m definitely loving this bag, especially because its so big and can contain a lot of things incl my camera. Rest of the look will come up later.

 IMG_3894niima boa fashion blogger fashion bloggerbeauty interior denmark blogger mens women website ootd outfit look of the day mak

IMG_3896niima boa fashion blogger fashion bloggerbeauty interior denmark blogger mens women website ootd outfit look of the day mak
Au Revoir, peepz!

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