Badlands XX

IMG_3340niima boa fashion blogger fas


Look from yesterday! Wore my new baseball shirt with my turtleneck. It’s still really cold, so thought the combo was appropriate. Really like baseball shirts lately combined with a cap, looking for a red one now for summer. Which is just around the corner.

Trying to get the last things done for today, before I’m heading out to do some errands and preparing for the weekend. Nice to be back to a schedule. Talk to you later. Btw, thanks to my dog I have stain on my new washed jeans. If you are ever going to buy a dog, don’t buy a Shar Pei lmao.

IMG_3303niima boa fashion blogger fas IMG_3305niima boa fashion blogger fas IMG_3310niima boa fashion blogger fas IMG_3311niima boa fashion blogger fas IMG_3320niima boa fashion blogger fas niima boa fashion blogger fashion blo

Au Revoir, peepz!

badlands xx

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