Today’s Outfit And A Tip On How To Save Your Shrunk Wool Sweatshirt

rrIMG_2188Todays outfit, I know it has been a while. But here you have one from today. It wasn’t that cold today, so this outfit would be more than enough with a thick down vest to survive the day. I have filmed another Youtube video that might be up tomorrow. Adding subtitles is much harder than I thought, it came as a shock when I had to edit my last video. But it’s so much worth it though.

I’m wearing an old wool sweatshirt I purchased ages ago, but haven’t been able to wear it the last two years because I washed it in hot water. It shrunk so much that a chihuahua almost could fit it. IT WAS BAD! But the other day when I cleaned my room, I found it among my old clothes and that’s when it hit me that I should Google how to fix this problem. And it only took one Google search and one click, for me to find my answer. Wash your shrunken sweater in a bucket with water and apply hair shampoo conditioner. While washing it, you just need to stretch the sweater while washing it. It’s as simple as that and of course not try to wash it in the washing machine again, Niima lol. But now I can fit it again, little bit on the tight site. But I’m totally fine with that though.

rrIMG_2201 rrIMG_2190 rrIMG_2200 rrIMG_2187 rrIMG_2185Au Revoir, peepz!

Today’s Outfit And A Tip On How To Save Your Shrunk Wool Sweatshirt

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