Prints Behind The Sheer

rrIMG_1312vvniima boa fashion blogger fashion bloggerbeauty interior denmark biggest blogger mens women website ootd

Sheer Bomber Jacket By Monki//Jeans By Cheap Monday//Back Pack By Primark//

The pictures came out surprisingly good, taking to consideration that the sky was grey all day. Love this new location, makes me stand out and the all grey location makes . BTW, this is not a new outfit on the blog. I wore this outfit in October last year (Here), but with another shirt and this time I added some accessories/pieces to the look. It’s really fun to look back on some old photos, already see such a big difference on the quality of my photos and also the concept of the blog is so different today. Than when I started blogging. Now I will go back to do some work and hopefully fin the strength to go to the gym later.

rrIMG_1297niima boa fashion blogger fashion bloggerbeauty interior denmark biggest blogger mens women website ootd ou rrIMG_1284 rrIMG_1313niima boa fashion blogger fashion bloggerbeauty interior denmark biggest blogger mens women website ootd ou rrIMG_1276niima boa fashion blogger fashion bloggerbeauty interior denmark biggest blogger mens women website ootd ouAu Revoir, peepz!

Prints Behind The Sheer

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