Does Fashion Blogging Make You A Shopping Addict?

b o k  c h o y Does Fashion Blogging Make You A Shopping Addict niima boa fashion blogger fashion bloggerbeauty blogger interior blogger denmark biggest blogger mens fashion women fashion fashion website ootd outfit look of the da

Does fashion blogging make you a shopping addict? It’s probably different from each fashion blogger. So I will just tell you my opinion/story. I remember the days before blogging, when I read the big fashion bloggers as Kenza, Bryan Boy, Fashion Toast and many others that lives of there blog. At the time I didn’t really know that fashion bloggers, especially the big ones got clothes for free. So I always used to be so fascinated of their unlimited wardrobe and their weekly updated “New In” category. Before I created my blog, I studied my favourite blogs to the fullest. Went all back in their archives and clicked through. Thinking that their blog was big because of all of their new clothing every week. Not even thinking that it could be their high quality everyday outfits updates. When I created my blog, one of my first categories I made was the New In category. The start of my little shopping addiction. So the start of every month when the payment came through, I was quick on trying to figure out what to spend my money on and by that I mean, clothes. So I had something new to blog about. My mind set was, the more new clothes I buy, the more readers I will get. Totally the wrong mind set to have, when I should have spend that money to buy my camera I have today instead. And have great quality photos. That I never thought would be the key to a great blog. Luckily it’s not the mind set I have today, but back then fashion blogging made me a shopping addict. Today I definitely do not buy clothes as often. Changing my mind set and having to use what I got, has taught me how to use the clothing I have and combine it in different ways. Today, I always question myself before buying clothing, do I really need it?, what can I use it for?, is it really worth it? or should I wait for it to go on sale?. Questions like that definitely makes me rethink before buying. Also sharing all my cravings and outfit ideas, puts a damper on my desire to buy things.

So yes, fashion blogging did make me a shopping addict, in my “young” days of blogging. My advice for new bloggers would be, use what you got because none of your future readers has probably never seen it and spending your money on a great dlsr camera is going to take you much further, than new clothing. If you are a outfit/ fashion blogger. I wish that someone would have told me that when I started.

Oh god this post was long, didn’t think that I had so much to say. Hope you liked it though. Talk to you later.

Au Revoir, peepz!

Does Fashion Blogging Make You A Shopping Addict?

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