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IMG_8882niimaboaiadorebeautyfashionbloggerbeautybloggerbloggarbloguerdanmarksstørstemodebloggerdanmarkstørsteblogger IMG_8847niimaboaiadorebeautyfashionbloggerbeautybloggerbloggarbloguerdanmarksstørstemodebloggerdanmarkstørstebloggerrrr IMG_8848niimaboaiadorebeautyfashionbloggerbeautybloggerbloggarbloguerdanmarksstørstemodebloggerdanmarkstørstebloggerrr IMG_8845niimaboaiadorebeautyfashionbloggerbeautybloggerbloggarbloguerdanmarksstørstemodebloggerdanmarkstørstebloggeruuu IMG_8913niimaboaiadorebeautyfashionbloggerbeautybloggerbloggarbloguerdanmarksstørstemodebloggerdanmarkstørstebloggerIphone Case Here (coupon code: iadorebeauty for 10 % of)//Shoes by New Look//Shirt By Asos//

Can you remember a post (here), I wrote ages ago about a new design project I started? Well here it is, my new jacket/top I made of the nude fabric. I also made my kimono (post here) of. It turned out what I exactly thought of, I finished this jacket the day after I came home from my summerhouse vacation and the day before leaving to London.  It’s a little bit to hot to wear now in this summer weather, but is going to be perfect for autumn (mid September) or  cold evening.

Now I’m going to see The Lord Of The Rings 2, saw the first one yesterday and I really feel like watching the second one and the third one, today. You can easily get hooked on this film ,especially with their open endings. I had some chocolate to eat while seeing the movie, but that little piece I was only allowed to eat while editing, turned in to the whole plate of chocolate. And my Dr pepper drink is also kind of gone now lol.. So I will have to survive without.

Au Revoir, peepz!

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