2 x Python||Layers

I never really thought of this combo before today. 2xpython. It’s been a while I have worn this jacket I made my self and thought it was about time to wear it, combined with my “crop top” I made myself as well. In fact the crop top is actually a t-shirt, but I actually like it as a crop top. I might make it into that instead. What Do You Guys Think? I thought the best way to combine this look was with  white shirt and some collar accessories. 5555555niimaboaiadorebeautypython IMG_4361niimaboaiadorebeautyrrrr IMG_4336niimaboaiadorebeautytttttt IMG_4270rrrrr IMG_4319niimaboaiadorebeautyniimz

//Jacket And “Crop Top” By Moi//Shirt By Asos//Rings By H&M//Collar Accessories By Messages//

Au Revoir, peepz!

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